About efb elite cup
I 2024 afholder EfBs amatør afdeling tre fodboldstævner i perioden fra april til oktober. Stævnerne afholdes typisk under helligdage og ferier, med en varighed på 3-4 dage. Til stævnerne deltager der årligt mere end 7500 fodboldspillere og 8000 medrejsende mm.
EfB's competitions can be held in Veldtofte Idrætspark and EfB's courts on Gl. Vardevej 88 located in Esbjerg. For the events, great emphasis is placed on accommodation, catering, good courses and logistics. Physiotherapy is also offered for all the events.
We hope to see you at our tournaments!
We will contact you after you have registered for one of our events.