elite cup
- Afholdes i perioden 28. – 31. maj 2025
- More than 150 elite teams participate from all over Northern Europe
- No restrictions on squad size
- Denmark's biggest and best elite event
- More than 2800 participants
- Elite team from only the best ranks
- Age groups from U10 – U16 boys' teams
- Age groups from U12 – U16 girls' teams
"EfB makes an excellent effort to strengthen children's and young people's enjoyment of, and talent for, football, and is an important part of the culture in the city. We have many employees who are engaged voluntarily as coaches or team managers, and therefore it is obvious for us to support the EfB NorSea Elite cup.”
Anders Aalund Olsen, Vice President Logistics, Energy Solutions NorSea
Hvert år afholder EfBs amatør afd. flere fodboldstævner i perioden fra april til oktober. Stævnerne afholdes typisk under helligdage og ferier, med en varighed på 3-5 dage. Til stævnerne deltager der samlet mere end 7500 fodboldspillere og 8000 medrejsende forældre og andre interesserede.
All matches for EfB's competitions are held both on EfB's pitches on Gl Vardevej in Esbjerg, as well as in Veldtofte Idrætspark located in Esbjerg Ø.
For the events, buses are always organized that run between the courses and the accommodation facilities.